swup swup Integrating Alpine.js
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Integrating Alpine.js

Swup works well with Alpine.js for managing component state and automating page lifecycles. Just initialize both libraries and enjoy automatic initialization of your components:

import Swup from 'swup';
import Alpine from 'alpinejs';

const swup = new Swup();
import Swup from 'swup';
import Alpine from 'alpinejs';

const swup = new Swup();
<div id="swup">
  <div x-data="{ name : 'My Component' }" x-init="console.log(name + ' initialized!')">
    My Component
<div id="swup">
  <div x-data="{ name : 'My Component' }" x-init="console.log(name + ' initialized!')">
    My Component

Handling swup hooks

To register handlers for swup's hooks inside your Alpine components, you need to prepend swup to all hook names. You can access swup's visit object using the detail property on Alpine's $event magic. For example, hooking into page:view would look like this:

<div x-data x-on:swup:page:view.document="console.log('Visit new page', $event.detail.visit.to.url)">
  My Alpine Component
<div x-data x-on:swup:page:view.document="console.log('Visit new page', $event.detail.visit.to.url)">
  My Alpine Component